The wings of the Black Crane Emperor have grown too long, his talons too sharp. Murmurs of rebellion disquiet the isles, growing loudest amongst the sailors he has misruled for so long. Soon, amidst fire and salt spray, there will be… Uprising on The Peacock Sea!

Characters of renown

In the turmoil of rebellion, unlikely figures rise to play their part, whether they will it or not. Their actions, chosen by artwork buyers, will shape the fate of the Peacock Sea.


Yua is Coral Harbour’s resident sword lion breeder As mutiny erupts in the town she finds herself at he head of a warband of loyal young sword lions with teeth bared.

Introduced in Mutiny


The young macaque Turu is the humble sailmaker of his ship. As whisperings of a mutiny spread through the still night air of the port, he sets to work fashioning a banner for his crewmates to rally behind, knowing not how far its rallying visage would eventually spread.

Introduced in Mutiny

Master of Trade

The young, imperious Master of Trade resides at the Imperial Court. He is the Emperor’s chosen servant to quell this rebellion before it grows.

Introduced in Mutiny


Some macaques carry an ancient battle-rage in their blood, an unfortunate characteristic the Black Crane Emperor has exploited. Bangan is one such - a very large, very angry one such.

Introduced in Mutiny

A gentle sea breeze wafts over Coral Harbour, gently swaying the heavy flags of the merchant ships rocking in their berths in the lazy morning waves. Wealthy waterbird merchants walk the streets, flanked by their human guards. Sailmakers, coopers and carpenters labour away in studios that spill out onto the streets. Today, the town is unusually quiet, the hubbub of the dockhands subdued and furtive. The breeze falters and stops, as if the wind itself is holding its breath in anticipation.

A deafening crack breaks the stillness. Mutiny! The shrill calls of the Waterbird Guard rise from the harbour but are cut short by cannon fire. Yells of defiance and the clash of sabres ring out across the town. Mutiny! From its perch above the docks the statue of The Black Crane Emperor topples, and a macaque climbs to take its place, a banner of a blazing sea flying in his hand.

With gunpowder, fire and bloodshed, the Mutiny on The Peacock Sea has begun!

Dissent must be met with the beak and talon. News of an Uprising on The Peacock Sea reaches the Imperial Court, and one is chosen to quell it: The Master of Trade.

His predilection to pomp and ceremony is belied by his reputation for fervoured cunning and unforgiving application of the law.

Coral harbour is in chaos. Gunshots, fire, screams. From the carnage, a lone figure climbs the coral arch between the town and the dock, a red and blue flag in his hand, made in secret the night before.

Though he was just a sailmaker, the young macaque Turu is now something much more - a figurehead for the rebellion. Where he raises his flag, others are drawn to stand together in opposition to The Black Crane Emperor.

Looking out over the town, the well-loved sword lion breeder Yua finds herself with a decision to make. As she paces the enclosure the sounds of battle grow louder. The fight is moving into the town. The rebels actually have a chance!

She whistles, calling her war-bred lions to attention, and opens the pen gate. With a nod of the head, the lions charge forth, eager to join the mutiny.

Coral Harbour has fallen, thin plumes of smoke rise from the alomost-extinguished fires. The day is won...but it isn't enough. Brutish, frenzied macaques, driven wild by their ancient bloodlust, maraud forth from the town.They have no leader, but if they were to follow one, it would be the biggest. The strongest. It would be Bangan the Reaver.

The Mutiny at Coral Harbour

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